Monday, May 19, 2008



Thisn is my last post about the MAY TERROR ATTACK-PHILADELPHIA until MAY 23 2008.

At this point it does seem that the MAY 11 Ebola Attack on Philadelphia was PREVENTED thru our using the Bible Code. By today, if Philadelphia was infected with Ebola, at least twenty people should have shown up sick at local Phila Hospitals from a "mystery flu". This is not happening, not on TV anyway.

When I look back at this complex Philadelphia Code, it seems that this Bio Attack was to be released on MAY 11, the first persons would show up sick on MAY 16 and then a missile would be launched on MAY 22 to trigger mass evacuations and panic= spreading this plague across America.

In The OT, GOD told Abraham, "If there are ten righteous (men) I will spare the city." Again, it does seem as though GOD used the bible code and our ministry to PREVENT this attack= "spare the city" of Philadelphia..

We must wonder... could terrorists still launch a missile at Philadelphia on MAY 22? Could an special ops group (Illuminati) do this to trigger war between USA and Iran and end Iran's nuclear threat and madness to their coming "New World Order" (of Lucifer)?

I say this because in the Philadelphia Code, "22" is encoded with and thru the word "missile" and "IN THE MORNING".

Code or no code... ISRAEL must stop Iran's nuclear weapons program and this attack will spell DOOMSDAY! ISRAEL recently said they "believe Iran may have a nuclear weapon by JUNE 2009. The Bible Code says ISRAEL= WAR- IRAN- 2010 AD.

WATCH AND BE READY because The Tribulation could still start between JUNE and SEPT 2008.

Pastor Harry/CH of PHL-INT

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